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In Opera, all vocalization is sung -- per se, then, it is not labeled as 'dialog'.

All operas are written in a language and depending on where they are performed, the opera company/ house may translate the libretto -- the text being sung -- into a language that the audience in that geography may better understand.

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Q: What is the dialog translated to in opera?
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What is the dialog of an opera?

In some types of opera and operetta, there is spoken dialog between musical numbers to advance the plot. But in "Grand Opera", traditionally every word of what would normally be dialog is sung.

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A musical comedy can be thought of as a play with music and dancing, or as a light Opera or operetta with dialog.

Does opera buffa have dialog?

Yes, it is typically sung in the 'ensemble' form

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In general, opera is entirely sung, while operettas and musicals include spoken dialog.

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Is the word opera spanish Italian or french?

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What is 'the world of opera' when translated from English to Italian?

Il mondo dell'opera is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the world of opera." The phrase translates literally as "the world of the opera" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel MON-do del-LO-pey-ra" in Italian.

What is 'opera' when translated from Italian to English?

"Opera" and "work" are English equivalents of the Italian word opera. Context makes clear whether a musical composition (case 1) or an artistic work (example 2) suits. The pronunciation will be "O-pey-ra" in Pisan Italian.

Viver a Vida means what when translated into English?

"Viver a Vida" is a Spanish phrase, that when translated to English, means "living life." The phrase is also the name a very popular Brazilian soap opera.

What type of music is opera?

It is classical and it is music that tells a story through the actors singing instead of dialog.