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Q: What is the difference between My Fair Lady and P Pygmalion?
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Which popular musical is based on George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion?

My Fair Lady

What play did Lerner and Lowe use for My Fair Lady?

"My Fair Lady" is based on Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw.

Which movie was made from the book Pygmalion?

"My Fair Lady" (1964)

Who wrote the play My Fair lady?

My Fair Lady is a movie based on the play 'Pygmalion' written by George Bernard Shaw.

Who wrote your Fair Lady?

The original title is "Pygmalion" written by Bernard Shaw, that was then turned into a 2nd version of the movie "MY Fair Lady"

What similarity is shared between the original myth of Pygmalion and its interpretations My Fair Lady the musical and Pygmalion the play?

(apex) the idea of someone trying to create or shape another human being

Which musical is based on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion?

My fair lady! And what a really great musical it is.

What was the original play called which became My Fair Lady?

The play was Pygmalion' written by George Bernard Shaw.

English man turns girl into English lady?

That sounds like the plot to the play Pygmalion and the movie based on the play, My Fair Lady.

What myth is the musical My Fair Lady based off of?

That of Pygmalion who fell in love with one of his sculptures, which then came to life.

What are some witty or sarcastic phrases used in Pygmalion?

"What is life but a series of inspired follies?" From My Fair Lady, based on Pygmalion: "The French don't care what they do, actually, as long as they pronounce it properly."

What film do you get if you unscramble madly fairy?

The film is "My Fair Lady" (a 1964 musical based on Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw).