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Refrigerators stuff themselves while blondes starve themselves!!

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Q: What is the difference between a blonde and a refrigerator?
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What is the difference between a refrigerator and a refrigerator?

Same thing. Fridge is a slang word.

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about 3 IQ points

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The refrigerator doesn't fart when you pull the meat out! Wocka Wocka!

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They know how many went down on the Titanic

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Dirty blonde is darker than normal blone. Sometimes, dirty blondes have a little burnette in their hair.

What is the difference between a refrigerator and a woman?

If you put meat in a woman, it won't go bad.

What is the difference between blond and blonde?

the first is spelt wrong

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Hannah wears a blonde wig and more extravagant clothing.

What is the difference between blond and brown dye?

One will dye your hair blonde and one will dye your hair brown.

What is the difference between a refrigerator and refrigerator?

i hear that fridge was the first company who has made the refrigerator , i just was a company name its not a device name !! !! i also want to know truth about this confusion and till i got the above mentioned information