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what is the tragedy and what is types of tragedy what is the tragedy and what is types of tragedy

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Q: What is the difference between a tragedy in itself and a tragedy of itself?
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The difference between tragedy and comedy plays?

Tragedy is sad, comedy is funny, or satirical.

What is the difference between an event which is tragic and a shakespearean tragedy?

A Shakespearean tragedy is a play; it isn't real.

Difference between Aristotle's and Shakespeare's tragedy?

there both gay there is no difference at all

One difference between tragdy and comedy is that tragedy?

In Shakespeare's plays, the major difference between a tragedy and a comedy is that the main character dies in a tragedy. A Shakespearean comedy can be very tragic and depressing, but so long as the main character remains alive, it is not actually a tragedy.

What was a major difference between a Shakespearean comedy and a Shakespearen tragedy?

A tragedy normally centers on a single individual.

2 One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy?

Tragedy usually always ends on a down note. It is always bad like death, even if it is funny.

What is the difference when a number is subtracted from itself?

The difference between anything and itself is zero.

One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tradegy?

Uses an extraordinary hero.

How can you tell the difference between Elizabethan and Jacobean tragedy?

Elizabethan tragedy was written during the reign of Elizabeth I, that is before 1601. Jacobean tragedy was written in the reign of James I, after 1601.

What is the difference between a shakespearian comedy and a shakespearian tragedy?

A Shakespearian comedy always ends on laughter however a Shakespearian tragedy ends with death.

Difference between tragedy and comedy?

basically the only difference is the ending. a comedy will have a happy ending i.e. wedding, whereas a tragedy will have a sad ending usually the death of the main character. either one can have funny or sad parts throughout but the ending is what makes it a comedy or a tragedy.

What is the difference between -3 and -3?

Zero. In general, the difference between any number and itself is zero.