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Now there's an interesting question. After a little research, I discovered that a play is basically any dramatic composition meant to be performed in a theater, movie, TV, radio, etc. An Opera is, more specifically, a dramatic composition (a play) where music is used predominantly; they're also usually very elaborate. A musical is a play which, unlike an opera, tends to be very lighthearted and not as sophisticated. Another thing we can add is that operas are usually performed live in theaters, while musicals can be live, or movies.

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Q: What is the difference between an Opera and a Musical and a play?
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What is the difference between operas and musical?

Please rephrase - the question is unclear.Music is a part of opera. Opera is a stage play in which all the dialogue is sung with musical accompaniment. The difference is that opera needs music but music doesn't need opera.

What do you call a musical play in where all the words are sung?

musical, opera maybe?

What is the difference between an opera and a play?

An opera is a play set to music with props costumes scenery and lighting. It is usually peformed by an orchestra, soloists and chorus, whilst a play is just a drama, a story. A play is an acted out story with spoken scenes. A play with singing scattered between spoken scenes is a musical or operetta. An opera is a play in which all words are sung.

What is the difference between a opera and a play?

Opera has little to no speaking. Most the time, no talking whatsoever, all singing. A play, I assume you mean musical, has much more of a script. The scores' music only interjects throughout the story, instead of carrying it. Musical Theatre requires a major acting background, Opera requires an extensive singing background.

What is a musical comedy?

A musical comedy can be thought of as a play with music and dancing, or as a light Opera or operetta with dialog.

How does opera differ from musicals?

In opera, everything (I mean EVERYTHING) is sang out. In a musical, it is just a play with breaks of song.

What is the difference between an Opera and a Musical?

To slightly alter what Western ballerina said: musical theater is a story with songs thrown in, where as an opera is a song with a story thrown in. I am a musical theater nerd at an opera nerd school (one of the reasons I am transferring lol). the type of voice used in opera is a very more trained voice. you don't have to have as much vocal training to be in musical theater.To tell you the truth I know people in MT that have gone very far with little to no training, but any opera performer has years and years of training. For the most part if you can sing opera you can sing at MT (there are always exceptions so that is not always true) but you can't necessarily be an opera singer with only a MT background. hope this helped.AddendumWhere a musical contains spoken dialogue, opera dialogue is always (almost) sung. Additionally, to add to the foregoing answer (and to risk offending some opera buffs), acting is perhaps a more important element in a musical where much of the "acting" in an opera is a function of communicating with the voice. The musical can be looked upon as a further evolution of opera, operetta etc.Opera [Opera = work]. Opera is a drama to be sung with instrumental accompaniment usually with scenery and in costume. It may include recitative or spoken dialogue, but the essence of opera is that the music is integral and is not incidental as in a 'musical' or play with music.Musical [theatre] is a form of theater combining music, songs, spoken dialogue. Usually the play [musical] is interrupted by songs or such like.So basically 'opera' is music drama and 'musical' is a play [drama] with music interludes.But like all thing to do with music there are variants.Correction to AddendumThere are several musicals that have no spoken dialogue (e.g., Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera and Evita).

What is opera singing?

it is like a stage play...the only difference is your singing..

What is the difference between a Broadway show and a Broadway play?

A broadway show i made up and new and a broadway play i a play of something like Annie or High School Musical.

What type of music does the musical group Ellery play?

The musical group Ellery plays Scottish mystical music. It's a new type of genre that mixes opera with bagpipes and has wind instruments that play in the background.

What are the differences and similarities between a play and an opera?

A play is interesting to watch and an opera is really long and boring. The only similarity is that they are both live shows. Never go see an opera.Second answerOpera is a play set to music. That is the only difference. Some plays and operas are boring; some are exciting and enjoyable.

What is a singspiel opera?

'Singspiel' is German for song-play and is a term for a German opera in which musical numbers are separated by dialogue. Examples being - Beethoven's 'Fidelio' and Mozart's 'Die Entfuhrung' and 'Magic Flute'