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The difference is that competing processes in an operating system compete for resources. Cooperating processes share resources, and some even work together to complete the same task.

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Q: What is the difference between competing processes and cooperating processes in operating system?
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How do you spell cooperating?

It is usually cooperation or co-operation (working together).*Note that co-operation can mean simultaneous operationof two separate processes, such as administration or machinery.

What is cooperating processing?

cooperating processes are processes that cooperate to achieve a specific task. a task is initially broken into subtasks , each subtask is assigned to a process that should pass the result (or input) to another process and so on , until the task is done.

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you can make effective communication between 2 processors by using volatile keyword..

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you can make effective communication between 2 processors by using volatile keyword..

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What is the difference between OS and operating environment?

the operating environment is just you user interface. your customisable environment. the operating system is the entire basis of the computer working. it's the instruction set that makes the environment possible ===== Operating environment needs an Opearting system to work , OE depends on Operating system , Solaris is an Operating Environment not an Operating System

Is it true that the cooperating processes do not require interprocess communication?

No. If cooporating processes are to actually cooporate with each other, there must be some kind of inter-processing communication between them so they know when to wait for the other process to complete some task that is needed by the first process.

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memory, processes, disks and I/O devices

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