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Ballet is very complex and ordered whereas hip hop is a lot more free style. For ballet each move is very specific and each has a French name. Every movement the dancer makes is meant to be exactly the same as a dancer would do it somewhere else, and your movements should be tightly flowing, with feet pointed and muscles pulled in. the movements should always put some sort of stress on the muscles as a form of excercising, so even simple turns and piruetes can fatigue the dancer after a long period of time. ballet music has a very distinct classical feel and can be slow or fast. however, in hip hop there are sometimes more than one name for a step and the varieities of that step can change from classroom to classroom. theyre usually all names like "dolphin" or "jumping over the barell," not at all the consistency heard in ballet terms. The movements show freedom of expression, and the shoes used are much different than ballet shoes. the music is usually much more bouncy and can be just the normal music you listen to everyday.

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