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Strictly speaking, it is in act 1 scene 1 where the witches say "Upon the heath/ There to meet with Macbeth."

From this we know that Macbeth is on a heath. It's not much information but it is the first we get.

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Q: What is the first info you are given about Macbeth?
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The witches never said "Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth". In Act 4, Scene 1, both the First Apparition and the Second Apparition begin their prophecies by calling out, "Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth!" Macbeth responds to the First Apparition by thanking it for warning him against the Thane of Fife (Macduff). Macbeth responds to the Second Apparition with: "Had I three ears, I'd hear thee."

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Young Siward is the first to fight Macbeth in Act V. Macbeth kills young Siward.

What is the first apparition and what does it tell Macbeth?

The first apparition in Shakespeare's Macbeth is a floating head that tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff. It says that Macbeth should be on guard against Macduff because he poses a threat to Macbeth's reign.

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They are not given in the script.

What does the king order for the thane of cawdor?

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Who gave Macbeth the dagger?

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Macbeth sees a floating dagger that appears before him during one of his soliloquies. The dagger is a figment of his imagination and is not physically given to him by any character.