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For a World or International pageant, wearing clothing indigenous to their homeland would show the contestant's loyalty and pride in their country.

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Q: What is the importance of beauty pageant's indigenous wear?
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Related questions

What do you have to wear to enter a beauty pageant?

The majority of beauty pageants require its contestants to wear a suit/business wear for the interview portion, a swimsuit and evening gown.

Do you have to wear make up for a beauty pageants?

Well, yes, if you want to look pretty, and win.

How much are a beauty pageants?

beauty pageants are very expensive because you have to pay for a dress,socks,shoes,nails,hair,makeup,fake tan,pageant coach, entree fee ,swimwear, and sometimes talent or optional wear

Do kids in pageants have to wear a wig?

No they don't always have to wear a wig

What are those ribbons they wear at the pageants?

it is called a sashes

What are the portions in a beauty pageant?

Depends on what kind of pageant it is. Some common portions in a beauty pageant for adults are swimwear/fitness, talent, evening wear, and onstage question. While child beauty pageants may have swimwear, talent, outfit of choice/theme, and beauty. There is one portion of a pageant that is not executed on stage... the private interview. Before pageant day, the judges may take each contestant aside and interview them about different things. This is different from the onstage question because in the interview the judges can ask the contestants more than one question and its a great way to get to know a little more about the contestants personality. These are typically only held for adult pageants such as Miss U.S.A. and Miss America.

Can you wear braces and compete in pageants?

Go for it! it doesn't matter about the looks, i dont know for sure but how does braces stop you from entering? :)

What are glitz pageants?

A pageant generally for infants-14 year olds. In glitz pageants the contestants want to wear diamonds on heir dress, have shiny jewelery, have "big" hair, and go heavy on make up. A glitz pageant is the complete opposite of a natural pageant.

Why do norwegians wear bunads?

Tradition and beauty.

What type of shoes can little girls wear for a natural pageant?

It depends. In glitz pageants, white Mary Jane shoes are practically required. Some people decide to wear Mary Janes at natural pageants; others do not and instead buy kid-sized heels. You can find Mary Janes in the related link. You can find various styles of kiddie heels in the related link.

What Beauty tips for teens who can't wear makeup?

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Are you allowed to wear dresses at a WEBKINZ beauty pageant?

You're allowed to wear absolutely anything. :)