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Q: What is the light Abigail claims that john proctor showed her?
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How did the events come to light and what was the effect on betty and Ruth?

A married man namedÊJohn Proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams. The wife found out about it and kicked Abigail out onto the streets. Abigail, who still wants John, tells the town that the wife was trafficking with the devil and was practicing witchcraft. Betty and Ruth were found in a coma state and were believedÊto be bewitched to goÊalong with Abigail's story.ÊÊ

What eye color is Abigail Adam's eyes?

light brown

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Jesus is the light of the world because he showed us how to live and he also showed us a way into heaven. He is a light in the darkness, the sins, of the world.

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Who is theory showed that gravity affects light?

Albert einstein

Did newton formulate a theory of natural light?

Yes. With his prism demonstration, Newton showed that white light is made up of all the colours of light. And he showed, again with the use of prisms, that the rainbow of colours from the first experiment could be combined to form white light again.

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Who showed that plants produce oxygen when exposed to light?

Jan Ingenhousz

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Priestley's and Ingenhousz's experiments showed that light is necessary for plants to produce oxygen.

Did Einstein have an impact on the world and how?

albert einstien showed how light bends and how nothing goes through the speed of light

How can light be separated into colors?

Newton showed that light was made up of all the visible colors by breaking it up with a prism.