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The poem "In Response to Executive Order 9066" is written from the perspective of a young teenage Japanese girl about to be forced into an internment camp. The mood is a mixture of naive cheerfulness, sorrow, and confusion.

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Q: What is the mood of the poem in response to executive order 9066?
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What is the mood of the verb in this sentence Take cover immediately?

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Tone is the kind of language used to set the mood.

One way to describe the difference between mood and tone in Romantic poetry is that mood refers more to the feelings brought forth in the while tone is the attitude toward the subject?

In Romantic poetry, mood reflects the emotional atmosphere created by the words, while tone conveys the poet's attitude or stance towards the subject matter. Mood is more about the reader's emotional response, while tone is the poet's voice or perspective.

What is the mood of the verb in this sentence listen carefully to the instructions?

imperative -- gives a directive, strong suggestion, or order.