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Q: What is the most common musical structure for dance?
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Related questions

What are the most common dance injuries?

The most common dance injuries are ankles and leg injuries

Is jazz the most common dance?


Where is dance most common?

the streets

What is a sentence using the most common meaning of dance?

I dance to music.

What is the most common dance step in Philippine folk dance?


What is the most common form for Moorish dance movement?

The most common form for the Moorish dance movement is binary. The dancers also use lots of hand movements in the dance.

What is the most common type of dance in Broadway?

Broadway, or musical dance, has fused somewhat into a distinct style. While different musicals vary in the amounts of dance in them (anywhere from none to a focus on dance), the style of dance also varies completely based on the choreographical, stylistic, and plot-based influences. The overall "broadway dance style", if it had to be categorized, is most heavily focussed on jazz dance. Ballet is rarely used in musicals (The Phantom of the Opera is one exception.)

What types of dance are common in the u.s?

Well there is ballet, jazz, musical theatre, hip hop, tap and zumba. Yoga isn't considered a type of dancing. I'm a professional dancer so you can believe this answer. Those are the most common

What is the main language of musical terms?

Italian has been said to be the most common musical language.

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