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That is called an accrostic poem

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Acrostic poem <3 Julia Cole

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An acrostic poem :)

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Q: What is the name of the type of poem with a word going down the side and the poem next to it?
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What do you call it when you have a word going down with sentences going across?

you call that an acrostic poem/sentences.

In the poem sixteen steps to the ice-house is the speaker going up or down the steps?

In the poem &quot;Sixteen Steps to the Ice-House,&quot; the speaker is going down the steps. The poem describes the descent into the dark and cold ice-house, creating a sense of suspense and mystery as the journey unfolds.

Where did the band system of a down get their name?

The name is based on a poem written by Daron Malakian titled "Victims Of A Down", but their manager at the time (Shavo) thought "System" would be better.

What is an extended poem?

a poem that keeps going on and then stops.................

When was The Next War - poem - created?

&quot;The Next War&quot; poem was created in 1917 by Rupert Brooke, an English poet famous for his war sonnets. The poem reflects the patriotic fervor and idealization of war that was prevalent during World War I.

Did Rudyard Kipling write the line 'at the going down of the sun we will remember them'?

No, the line &quot;At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them&quot; is from the &quot;Ode of Remembrance&quot; taken from Laurence Binyon's poem &quot;For the Fallen.&quot; Rudyard Kipling did not write this particular line.

What is another name for an ' eight lined poem'?

Name #2Another name for an eight lined poem is an "octave".Another name for an eight lined poem is "triolet".

Is a my name poem a free verse poem?

Yes, a &quot;my name&quot; poem can be a free verse poem. The structure and form of the poem depend on the poet's preference and creativity.

What is a good title for a poem in a competition?

Only you can come up with a good name! Titles come from the poem, not from some anonymous person on the internet! Titles are not as important as some writers think - your title might change many times between your first write and your final draft!Think about your poem - what is going on and who are the people involved? What is something special about the poem that might make a good title? Don't sweat it - just write something down and get on with the writing!Check out the Related Questions for help with your poem, too!

After you look at the poetic devices in a poem, what should you do next in order to analyze the poem?

Determine the tone

After you look at the poetic devices in a poem,what should you do next in order to analyze the poem?

Determine the tone

Where do you put your name after you write a poem?

a name poem is a poem when you put your name like this: Excellent Mean Incrediable Lonely Young