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Thou shalt not commit adultery.

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Q: What is the only commandment that john proctor forgets?
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What can john proctor not remember?

Ironically he forgets the commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery", the only one he has broken.

What causes the conflict between john proctor and reverend parris?

John Proctor thinks that Parris is only concerned about his well-being, while parris doesnt like JOhn because he isnt respecting his authority

What test does danforth devise to determine why Abigail was put out of the proctor's house?

He (Danforth) told Abigail and john proctor to turn their back while he is asking Elizabeth but Elizabeth glance at john proctor for a hint and Danforth insist that Elizabeth look at him only.

Why won't john proctor sign his name?

John Proctor will not sign his name on the confessional because he wants to keep his name sacred. When he shouts "It is my name!" proves his desires to keep his only name to himself.

What are the roles that Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams play in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Elizabeth proctor was wife of john proctor. Abigail Williams was there slave for some amount of time. In that time Abigail William and John Proctor had an affair. Abigail truly loved john and wanted to get rid of Elizabeth.THIS IS ONLY FOR ACT ONE! BUT....Abigail later acusses elizabeth of being a witch.

In the Crucible how does Abigail feel towards john proctor?

- Abigail still has love for John Proctor. But John, although attracted to Abigail's charms still loves his wife. - John only had lust for her. But Abigail has always loved John and wanted to marry him. For John it was just a sexual attraction; nothing more! - Abigail is obsessed with John!

Why doesn't John Proctor like Reverend Parris' preaching?

Because he doesn't exactly preach he 'only preaches about hellfire and damnation and never mentions God in church' -proctor

What was the past relationship between John Proctor and Abigail Williams?

Proctor and Williams had a physical affair while Williams was working for Proctor and his wife. Goodie Proctor fired Williams after finding out. Williams tries unceasingly to convince the courts that a number of townsfolk, including Goodie Proctor, are engaged in witchcraft. She accuses Goodie Proctor in the hopes that she will be hanged, and have Proctor to herself. To describe the relationship between Proctor and Williams, you could not call her his 'mistress' - from what was said in the play they only had sex once.

What are the causes and effects in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The causes and effects in the crucible are: Lust - leads to abigail and proctor's affair, then ultimately the deaths of many Jealousy - Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth Proctor and wants to kill her "You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - then John Proctor is killed Superstition - only a fool who is superstitious would take a group of teenage girls word that they were being bewitched; as a result, there is mass hysteria and many innocent people are killed Mary Warren's shifting alliance - she screws John Proctor over by lying

Why does John Proctor seem to be the only voice of reason in the confusing end of act 2 what are some examples to support this idea?

Because John is the only one who knows the real truth behind Abigail's lies.

Why has proctor avoided attending the church?

In "The Crucible", John Proctor does not attend church regularly because he does not like, or agree with, the Reverend Parris. Because of this, he also refuses to have his last child baptized.

Why is john proctor a tragic hero in crucible?

Because we feel sorry for his loss and tragedy can only be put into effect if we the readers have emotions for a character.