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Thinking Juliet is dead, Romeo commits suicide to join her. Knowing Romeo is dead, Juliet commits suicide to join him. The loss of their children reconciles Capulet and Montague, and the feud is ended.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Wow, I'm actually really surprised that you didn't know this... oh well. In the end, Juliet takes something to make her go into a deep sleep, in hopes of Romeo sweeping her away and the living happily ever after. However, Romeo never gets the message that Juliet is not actually dead, so when he sees her presumably dead, he kills himself via poison. When Juliet sees Romeo dead, she stabs herself with a dagger, killing herself. When the two feuding families see what their children have done to themselves, they stop feuding. The end. I hope I helped your cause.

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12y ago

At the end of the story, Juliet took a sleeping potion that makes her body LOOK dead for 42 hrs, but wont kill her. she did this so she wouldn't marry Paris.Juliet was seen by Balthasar pretending to be dead, so he thought she was. Balthasar went and told romeo that she was dead so he went to her tomb. (romeo was supposed to be let in on the plan but the letter couldn't be delivered by friar john because people in mantua were sick from the plague.) At Juliet's tomb, romeo fought Paris, killed him and then drunk a potion to kill himself. Finally, Juliet wakes up and sees romeo dead so she stabs herself in the heart and dies.

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7y ago

Romeo and Juliet do not fight. The closest is when they have a dispute after their wedding night, when Romeo says he has to leave and Juliet wants to cuddle some more. Juliet stops arguing as soon as she realizes that the argument might endanger Romeo's life. He's prepared to risk it to make her happy, but she does not want him risking his life for her. It's hardly a fight.

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12y ago

romeo and Juliet died at the end then their parents are finaaly cool

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15y ago

Romeo and Juliet's fate was that they both commited suicide at last where Romeo thought Juliet was dead and he drank the poison then Juliet woke and killed herself too.

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13y ago

In the end, Romeo drinks the poison and kills himself and Juliet after recognizing that Romeo is dead stabs herself with a dagger; and she too kills herself.

The end hoorayy

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13y ago

At the end, Romeo and Juliet both die.

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Q: What is the outcome of the fight between Romeo and Juliet?
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