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this poem is about a country going through oppression and misery when people came and invade their country. in addition, the poet uses devices such as juxtapositioning and many imagery to convey his feelings.

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Q: What is the poem this is a dark time your love by martin carter about?
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Martin Carter summary for this is a dark time your love?

In "This is the dark time, my love" Martin Carter explores the fear, anxiety, and sorrow of invasion and war. In the poem, the narrator describes to his love the natural changes that represent the dark time, as well as the guns and death of the invasion.

What are two literary devices used in the poem 'these are the dark days my love' by Martin Carter?

oxymorons and pathetic fallacy

What literary devices are used in the poem this is the dark time my love?

The poem "This is the Dark Time, My Love" by Martin Carter uses personification (attributing human qualities to non-human entities) to convey the context of political oppression and suffering. It also employs imagery to evoke a sense of despair and hopelessness in the face of injustice. The repetition of the phrase "This is the dark time, my love" serves as a refrain that emphasizes the bleak reality of the situation.

What is the meaning of the poemThis is the dark time my love by Martin Carter?

This poem is about the endurance and experiences of the people of Guyana when British soldiers were sent in to maintain order in Guyana during the 40's and 50's. This caused oppression and and uprising by many Guyanese people. In short this poem is about the suffering and suspension of the Constitution of British Guyana.

What is the significant of the poem Weroon Weroon by Martin Carter?

the significance of the poem was that no matter what they would fight for their people because they believed in equality and unity

What does the metaphor land of water mean in the poem weroon weroon by martin carter?

It means land with many rivers and creeks

What is the meaning of the metaphor 'land of many water' as it relates to the poem weroon weroon by Martin Carter?

many waters of guyana

What is the analysis of the poem looking at your hand by martin carter?

"Looking at Your Hand" by Martin Carter explores themes of self-discovery, identity, and introspection. The poem uses the act of observing one's hand as a metaphor for reflecting on one's place in the world and understanding one's purpose. Through vivid imagery and personal reflection, Carter delves into the complexities of human existence and the search for meaning.

What is the meaning of the poem I am no soldier by Martin Carter?

The poem "I am no soldier" by Martin Carter reflects the poet's refusal to engage in violence and war, instead choosing to resist through peaceful means. It emphasizes the power of nonviolent resistance and the courage to stand up for one's beliefs without resorting to physical conflict. The poem ultimately conveys a message of strength, resilience, and determination in the face of adversity.

What is the significance of the title of the poem weroon weroon by martin carter?

Is that they are all one unity one people and will fight 4 their people

What does the poem weroon weroon by martin carter tell us about the amerindian attitude towards death?

their attidue towards death is their are not afarid to die

What does the metaphor climb towards the hole of heaven in the poem Weroon Weroon by Martin Carter mean?

The metaphor "climb towards the hole of heaven" in Martin Carter's poem "Weroon Weroon" symbolizes the pursuit of a higher spiritual or metaphysical truth or understanding. It suggests a journey of seeking enlightenment or transcendence amidst the challenges and struggles of life.