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ushily the main start of the story

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Rae Beahan

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D. There are alternatives to the traditional police lineup that introduce fewer errors.

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Q: What is the writer's main point on this op-ed piece?
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What would please a critical reader who values logos in a oped piece?

Strong use of fact in the writers arguments

Why is it important to identify the emotional elements using persuasion in an oped piece?

Because writers or speakers who are skilled at using appeals to emotions can make up for flaws in their logical argument with emotional appeals

What makes an oped piece different from other news articles?

it expresses an opinion

Four letter word for newspaper page hyph?

A four letter word (hyph.) is oped

If you're looking to see if a writer of an oped piece is trying to manipulate his or her readers by making an appeal to emotions you're interested primarily in an issue of?

ethos&patheos pathos apex :)

What is a four letter word for a newspaper page?


What are the differences between a Sunni and she's the Muslims?

It is all about the way each have oped no each other

What event forced japan to oped doors to the outside world?

The arrival of Commodore Perry in 1853, followed by the Harris Treaty in 1858.

How many people visited Yankee Stadium in 1923?

During the 1923 season, the year Yankee Stadium oped the Yankees drew 1,007,066 fans.

What is liquidity preference framework?

A model clev l­ oped by John Maynard Keynesthat predicts the equilibrium interest rate on the basis of the supply of and demand for money

Why did ami close the Miami shop?

Ami did't close the Miami shop he just oped another one in New York City. Its called Wooster street

What should you critically read an oped piece?

When reading an op-ed piece critically, consider the author's credibility, the evidence and sources used to support their arguments, and any potential biases present in the piece. Evaluate the logic and reasoning behind the author's claims, and be mindful of any persuasive techniques used to sway the reader's opinion.