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Quite a lot of Romeo and Benvolio's conversation in I, 1 is in rhyming couplets. Romeo has more rhyming lines than Benvolio does.

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Q: What kind of rhyme is it when Benvolio acts in act 1 scene 1?
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What is the first impression you get of benvolio in romeo and juliet?

He's kind of a wimp. In the first scene his desire to make the peace looks wimpy contrasted with Tybalt's dashing appearance. Later in the play it becomes apparent that Benvolio's efforts are necessary and useful and Tybalt is a jerk.

What is Mercutio talking about Thou art like one of those fellows that when he enters the confines of a tavern claps me his sword upon the table and says SEE Discuss?

This is at the very beginning of Act III Scene 1. Mercutio is talking to Benvolio, and says that he's the kind of fellow who walks into a pub and says that he hopes he will never have to use his sword, and after two drinks is threatening the bartender ("draws it on the drawer"). Mercutio is claiming that Benvolio is the kind of guy who is looking for a fight. You can do the discussing from here on in.

Describe Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet?

Benvolio would be described as the peacemaker of the characters. He sees the good in people and tries to cut down on the violence as much as possible. He has a pure heart with good intentions and hopes for an end to the feuding even though he does accepts it.

What rhyming pattern does Shakespeare mostly write in?

Shakespeare did not usually write in any kind of rhyming pattern in his plays: there are occasional rhymed couplets to finish off a scene or songs in various kinds of rhyme. Venus and Adonis is all in stanzas with an ABABCC pattern and The Rape of Lucrece is in ABABBCC. The Sonnets generally have a rhyme scheme of ABABCDCDEFEFGG.

Is 6 lines enough for a movie scene?

it depends what kind of scene it is, like a fight scene that would be fine but a discussion wouldn't holod

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What is the first impression you get of benvolio in romeo and juliet?

He's kind of a wimp. In the first scene his desire to make the peace looks wimpy contrasted with Tybalt's dashing appearance. Later in the play it becomes apparent that Benvolio's efforts are necessary and useful and Tybalt is a jerk.

Do rhyme and kind rhyme?

Yes, "rhyme" and "kind" do rhyme with each other. They both have the same ending sound, which is "-ime."

Who does Romeo love at the beginning of act 1 scene 1?

Benvolio doesn't seem to love anybody in Romeo and Juliet. In fact at the end of 1.1, and again at the beginning of 1.2 he seems to be teasing Romeo about being in love with Rosaline. But Benvolio's teasing is quite gentle - so perhaps Benvolio has been in love himself at some stage. Mercutio also teases Romeo about his love for Rosaline (2.1, and again at 3.1) - but Mercutio's teasing is vicious and obscene. Mercutio clearly has some kind of an issue with girls.

Does sea rhyme with misery?

Yes, but it's kind of a half-rhyme.

What feelings rhyme with kind?

Some feelings that rhyme with "kind" include blind, grind, and find.

Does hamster and dumpster rhyme?

Kind of.

What rhyme with find out?

kind lout

Does funny rhyme with twenty?

kind of

What is Mercutio talking about Thou art like one of those fellows that when he enters the confines of a tavern claps me his sword upon the table and says SEE Discuss?

This is at the very beginning of Act III Scene 1. Mercutio is talking to Benvolio, and says that he's the kind of fellow who walks into a pub and says that he hopes he will never have to use his sword, and after two drinks is threatening the bartender ("draws it on the drawer"). Mercutio is claiming that Benvolio is the kind of guy who is looking for a fight. You can do the discussing from here on in.

Does Friday rhyme with today?

Yes, they do rhyme, though it may seem like they only half rhyme, which they kind of do, too. :)

Describe Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet?

Benvolio would be described as the peacemaker of the characters. He sees the good in people and tries to cut down on the violence as much as possible. He has a pure heart with good intentions and hopes for an end to the feuding even though he does accepts it.

Which character in Romeo and Juliet has a name that means kind?

Benvolio's name means "good will"; I suppose that is what is required.