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Q: What kind of tea did the American colonists crave?
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Related questions

What kind of tea did the colonists drink after the Boston Tea Party?

They drank GREEN tea

American colonists used what to make tea?

they boycotted tea and drank coffee

Who dumped 10000 pounds of tea in the Boston harbor?

American colonists

Who threw out the tea at the tea party?

During the Boston tea party, the American colonists invaded British tea ships and threw all their tea overboard.

What were the effects of American colonists dumping tea chests?

Highly caffeinated fish

What british policy did American colonists protest at the Boston tea party?


What British Parliamentary Act did not raise taxes for American Colonists?

tea act

Why do you crave tea?

Tea contains caffeine which is known to be an addictive substance.

How did great Britain react to the Boston tea party?

They made the American colonists pay for the tea. They then passed the "Intolerable Acts"

Why Were Taxes Such As The Stamp Act Townshed Acts And The Tea Act Hated By The American Colonists?

The American colonists hated the Stamp Act, Townshend Act, and the Tea Act because they did not want raised taxes. They believed it to be unfair and unnecessary.

Why did American colonists want independence for the British?

The British were taxing the colonists for tea and other necessities unfairly. They also would not let the colonists be represented in Britain.

How did the colonists protest the tea act?

U.S. Colonists protested the Tea Act, which was imposed on them by England. It created a monopoly that allowed only the East India Trading Company to trade tea with the colonists. This allowed the company the ability to charge whatever they pleased for the tea. The colonists protested the Tea Act through the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was a protest in which Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Native American warriors and boarded three British cargo ships, dumping all of their tea into the harbor.