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14pt (140 lb) coated paper stock

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Q: What kind paper are headshots usually printed on?
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What kind of paper is a vital document printed on?

i think it is printed on optik white paper.

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Do Each state printed it's own kind if paper money?

No, all of the United States' states use federally-minted coins and federally-printed paper money.

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A book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinges.

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A book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinges.

A luddite is a term used to describe what kind of person?

A book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hige.

Can each state printed its own kind of paper money?

No, only the federal government has the authority to issue currency in the United States. Each state is not allowed to print its own kind of paper money.

How much would 100 printed greetings cards be?

The cost of printed greeting cards would depend on a number of things. They would include having the cards printed for you or if you plan to print them yourself, kind of paper and envelopes used, if the card will have a photo on it, and the kind and amount of printing desired. Vistaprint has cards that start at $95 for 100 cards and go up from there.

What two kinds of paper are landscape and portrait?

Landscape and portrait have nothing to do with the kind of paper. They indicate the orientation of the paper in relationship to what is printed on the paper. Landscape prints with the long side of the page at the top (the side is the shorter width), while portrait prints with the long side of the paper to the side (the top is the shorter width).

What kind of paper was the first of US paper money?

Paper money was most popular around the 1650s, and it was made out of flattened cotton covered in wax, printed in ink. If you are talking about WAY back, Indians had stretched out animal hide, and wrote with their blood on the hide as paper money. Gross, but true.....

Where can I order special printed paper for my printer I need to print out Christmas cards.?

This kind of paper is available at many craft stores like Michael's or Joann's. Online, you can order it through Halmark or most any stationary seller.

What kind of paper is U.S currency is printed on?

It's not actually paper -- it's called rag, because it's made from cotton and linen fibers.See the WikiAnswer here :Is_there_any_difference_between_currency_paper_and_paper_of_notebookDan MooreThe Working Man's Rare Coins