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Macbeth uses two metaphors about life. One of a "brief candle" and the other that "life's but a walking shadow". Also he says it's a "poor player".

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Macbeth uses a candle, a shadow, a bad actor who fears being on stage, and a tale told by an idiot. Basically, Macbeth is says that life is brief and meaningless.

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Q: What metaphors does Macbeth use in his soliloquy after her death?
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What metaphors does shakespeare use to convey macbeths attitude toward life after lady macbeths death?

One metaphor Shakespeare uses to convey Macbeth's attitude toward life after Lady Macbeth's death is "tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" speech. In this soliloquy, Macbeth compares life to a "brief candle" that is extinguished quickly, reflecting his nihilistic view on life. Another metaphor is "Life's but a walking shadow", emphasizing the transience and meaningless of life in Macbeth's eyes.

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Shakespeare uses metaphors such as "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" to convey Macbeth's bleak and nihilistic attitude toward life after Lady Macbeth's death. This metaphor suggests that Macbeth views life as meaningless and insignificant, echoing his despair and disillusionment.

Why do you think shakespeare chose to use apostrophe rather than have Macbeth describe a menacing dagger?

Shakespeare used apostrophe in Macbeth's soliloquy to create dramatic effect and emphasize Macbeth's hallucinations and inner turmoil. By having Macbeth address the dagger directly, it allows the audience to see the depth of his psychological struggle and descent into madness. It also adds an element of tension and suspense to the scene.

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Antonio can use "The Guide to Hamlet". This supplemental guide is considered the best reference material for Shakespeare's classic.

What is the effect metaphors?

we use metaphors, in order to send the message accross or to capture the audience's mind.

Why do you use metaphors and similes?

To sound intelligent.

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Do pen pictures use metaphors?

yes it does .

Why use metaphors?

People use metaphors to better describe how people act, look etc. It just helps with description eg. He is a pig. (He is unclean, messy and has bad table manners) Or you could use a simile eg. He is like a pig (The same as metaphors but a not quite as strong)