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That Giles Corey's wife and Rebecca Nurse are locked up in jail.

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Q: What news does giles Corey and frances nurse tell john proctor?
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Why does giles Corey and francis nurse arrive at the proctor house?

Giles Corey and Francis Nurse arrive at the Proctor house because both of their wives were taken in for questioning about witchcraft.

Why do Giles Corey and Francis Nurse come to see John Proctor?

Giles Corey and Francis Nurse visit John Proctor because their wives are also accused of witchcraft. Together they try to disrupt the court proceedings and get the truth out in the open at last.

Who are Proctor's allies in his attempt to expose the girls?

Mary Warren, Giles Corey, and Francis Nurse

Who were all the people who accused of witchcraft in the crucible?

Tituba (Slave for Rev. Parris), 3 local beggar women, Giles Corey and his wife, Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth.

What happens to the 5 main characters in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

John Proctor is hanged. Elizabeth Proctor lives. Abigail Williams skips town. Giles Corey is pressed to death. Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey are hanged. Rev. Hale refuses to side with the court. Exactly which five characters do you mean?

Who are the last people to be hang in The Crucible?

Martha Corey Rebecca Nurse and john Proctor

What characters in The Crucible are conformists and which are nonconformists?

John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Giles Corey are the main nonconformists in The Crucible. Reverend John Hale, Ezekiel Cheever, Reverend Samuel Parris, Betty Parris, Mary Warren, Thomas Putnam, and Ann Putnam are the conformists.

What news does giles Corey reveal to the proctors?

The news that Giles Corey reveals to the Proctors is that his wife Martha has been taken to jail. He also tells them that Rebecca Nurse has been taken to jail as well.

Who died in the play The Crucible?

john proctor, rebecca nurse, giles Corey, Mary easty-deff. killed Sarah good, goody osburn, Bridget bishop, goody Hawkins, goody booth, george Jacobs. -deff accused

Who was involved as prosecutors and victims in the Salem witch trials?

John Hathorne and Jonathon Corwin were the closest things to prosecutors. The victims make a very long list, including Rebecca Nurse, Mary Bradbury, Martha Corey, Giles Corey, John and Elizabeth Proctor, Sarah Goode and George Burroughs.

How did john proctor die in The Crucible?

He was hung with Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey, but they never mention it in the book.

What news dose giles Cory reveal to the proctors and reverend hale in act 2?

Giles reveals that Goody Corey and Rebecca Nurse have been arrested.