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First of all be clear that Rome was already an empire under the republic. The two are not the same. A republic is a form of government while an empire is a united conglomerate. By the time of Julius Caesar, the republic was dead, killed by its own corruption.Caesar, by accepting and not relinquishing the office of dictator, ended the authority of the senate and of the people and paved the way for the principate.

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Q: What rule did Julius Caesar play in the decline of the republic and the rise of the empire?
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Was Julius Caesar a republic?

Rome was a Republic up until the assassination of Julius Caesar; after the war that followed his death Rome became an Empire.

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During Caesar's lifetime Rome was still a republic.

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No, Julius Caesar was the last dictator of the Roman republic. The man called the first ruler of the Roman empire or the first emperor was Augustus Caesar, the adopted son of Julius.

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Ancient Rome obviously. Julius Caesar ended the Roman Republic.

What role did Julius Caesar play in the decline of the republic and the rise of the empire.?

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What was the roman republic wrecked by?

Julius Caesar overthrew he senate and started the Roman Empire. Augustus Caesar, Julius' grand-nephew, was the first emperor.

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Julius Caesar and his adoptive son, Augustus.

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Julius Caesar is the military leader and the dictator who transformed the roman republic into an roman empire. He assumed total power after transforming the republic into the empire.

Who is the military and political leader who transformed the roman republic into an empire?

Gaius Julius Caesar or arguably Augustus

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because Julius Caesar took power as a dictator

Who was Julius Caesar and why do you care?

Julius Caesar was the ruler of the roman empire