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A mirror.

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Q: What turns everything around but does not move?
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What turns everything around but doesn't move?


What turns everything around without moving anything?

A mirror?

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Do planets move around the sun in the opposite direction then the sun turns?


How propellar on light aircraft make move?

The engine turns the propeller around.

Why do you have time?

because earth turns around and around that it takes 24 hours the Sun doesn't move

Is it bad if everything around you turns black and everything is shaking?

Maybe, go to the doctor just to check. If it happened more than once go to the doctors (:

What are the different way the earth move?

The earth turns on its axis; it orbits around the earth-moon barycenter; it orbits around the sun.

Why do shadows do whatever you do?

They do it because the sun is flashing at everything on the ground. when you move in the way your blocking the sun light from hitting the ground so it turns black. it does what you do because wherever you move you blocking the sun no matter what.

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How does earthquake change the earth surface?

an earthquake is when two plates move and destroys everything around it.

Why do shadows move throughout the day?

As Earth turns around its poles, the sun light falls on the objects under different angles causing shadows to move respectivelly.