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A line dance is a dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a number of people dance in different groups or a line of people. It doesn't matter of which gender or who the people you dancing with.

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Q: What type of dance is a line dance?
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Related questions

What is the history of line dancing?

A line dance is a dance that has a group of people who stand in a line and dance repeatedly the same steps. Line dance is usually used in Country Western bars.

Who sings wobble wobble line dance?

V.I.C sings the song and people dance the line dance to it

How do you dance in AQWorlds?

You type in your say /dance and type enter there another dance type in /dance2

Is the grass dance a line group or couples dance?

a group dance

Is Banda a type of dance?

no its not. its a type of music but not dance. Er actually it is a type of Dance music which does have its own specific movements. So I am not a expert but if a certain type of music has a certain type of dance then that makes it a type of dance yes?(thats not a question.)

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See: Line dance

What is the most popular line dance?

By far the most popular line dance is Bootscootin' Boogie. The version by Bill Bader. This line dance was choreographed to the song of the same name by Brooks and Dunn.

Is b-boy is a type of dance?

Yes, it is considered a type of dance.

What film has the line Dance cowboy dance?

In the movie "Thelma and Louise" there was a brief scene in a bar with everyone doing what looks like the "Tush Push" line dance.

Is hiphop a type of popular dance?

it is in dance studio's they have dance classes

What is a style of dance?

The waltze, line dance, and disco are examples of three entirely different styles of dance.

Where did Line dance begin?
