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Q: What type of lyric poem is the red blossom bends and drips its dew to the ground like a tear it falls?
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Five seven and five poem example?

The Rose Donna Brock The red blossom bends and drips its dew to the ground. Like a tear it falls A Rainbow Donna Brock Curving up, then down. Meeting blue sky and green earth Melding sun and rain.

What the best blossom and brick fanfic?

In my opinion(everyone has different opinions)is LOVE POTION( so what happens is that love potion falls on brick he falls I love with blossom)read it its good also has bubblesxboomer buttercupxbuch ;-D

Is chicken is a good source of vitamins?

of course it drips vitamin d in the greasy cheese milk that falls from the chickens egg

What does Japanese word sakura mean?

Sakura is a Japanese name which means cherry blossom. it is impotant because in japenese when a cherry blossom falls part of a heart is gone Sakura means a pretty flower called a cherry blossom.

Hail falls to the ground because of the force of?

When hail falls to the ground, it is because of the force of FRICTION!! :)

What happens to water when it falls on cemented ground?

when water falls on a cemented ground the cemented ground can't absorve water much and the water flows away.

A thing which doesn't break when it falls on the ground but it breaks when it falls in water?


What happens an object falls?

It falls, accelerating constantly until it hits the ground.

When one literally falls down what does it mean?

It means he actually falls to the ground or floor.

What if Hydrochloric acid spills?

It falls to the ground.

What is water called when it falls to the ground?


What falls but never hit the ground?

The temperature.