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A charter. He himself was the patron of the company. All acting companies at the time had to have a noble patron by law. This was to prevent vagabonds and conmen from pretending to be acting companies.

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Q: What was granted by king James to allow shakespeares acting company to put on plays anywhere?
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How many men were usually in shakespeares acting company?


In 1599 Shakespeares acting company constructed and performed in?

it was the globe theatre

Shakespeares acting company?

Shakespeare's acting company was first known as Lord Chamberlain's Men. The name was changed to The Kings Men in 1603 when King James I ascended the throne and became the company's patron.

How many women were usually in shakespeares acting company?

None. It was against the law for women to act in this time in history.

What was the lord chamberlins company in London during shakespeares time?

The Lord Chamberlain's Men was one of the leading acting companies of its day.

Who was forbidden from working in shakespeares an acting company?

Women were forbidden to act in Shakespeare's theater, but they could and did work behind the scenes as costume mistresses particularly.

What were Shakespeares most famous profissions?

Assuming you meant professions, Shakespeare was an actor, a poet and a playwright. He also owned shares in the acting company in which he performed and which put on his plays, and in the two theaters in which the company performed.

Was ned and the admirals men an actual theater in Shakespeares time?

Ned Alleyn acted for The Admiral's Men. It was an acting company which played at a number of playhouses over the years.

Which monarch had the most effect on Shakespeares life?

James I, who became patron of the acting company Shakespeare belonged to and who regularly had them play the palace, much more often than Queen Elizabeth did.

What did Shakespeares actors drink during acting?

They may have had water, wine, ale, or rum; the same as the audience.

What was Shakespeares occupation?

Shakespeare's occupations were Writing plays, sonnets and acting.

How many performances did shakespeares acting troupe perform before the new king?

none because his plays sucked