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There are a few themes to the poem Richard Cory, where a wealthy man commits suicide

1. Money cannot buy happiness 2. Things are not as they appear (cannot judge a book by its cover) 3. People should be judged on who they are, not what they have in their life.

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14y ago

The poem "Richard Cory" written by Robinson describes about a rich person and his sudden death. The first 3 stanzas describes about this person. According to the first stanza it is very clear that this person is not ordinary. When he walks in the street , poor people used to look at him. "we people on the pavement looked at him". He was a gentleman from "sole to crown". He was cleanly dressed and very slim. Poor people explain about Richard Cory. They consider Richard as a great person. But when reading this poem we come across his slimness as a contradiction. Because usually a rich person is fat. That is the normal way. But Richard was not so. He was "Imperially Slim". He was a down to earth person. He was very human to poor people. He was shining due to his rich clothing. In every aspect he is perfect. But usually he shivers when saying "Good Morning" to people.

According to the 3rd stanza, Richard Cory was extremely rich and highly educated. Poor people thought him as everything. Richard can not be compared to others.

But in "one calm summer night" Richard pulled the trigger on him self. A careful reader come across a problem here. That is if this man was perfect in every aspect and rich and educated, what was the reason which motivated him to commit suicide. Poor people suffer without food and until they obtain a relief. This man posses all these but he committed suicide. The first 3 stanzas described about this person and in the last stanza , it suddenly mentions about the death of this old man. His death is natural. But the reason which motivated him to do so is not natural. When thinking further we can list up some reason which had motivated him to do so.

Yes, he was rich indeed. Poor people are earning a small amount of money. But using their body strength. But when comes to Richard he is richer than a king. Does anyone know the way he earned money? No nobody knows it. If he had used illegal ways to earn money his mind might had lot of problems.We can assume that when the problems become intolerable he pulled the trigger on himself. Earlier I mentioned that he was slim. If a person really enjoys a lot he will not be that much slim. So we can assume his slimness as a prediction of his problem or his burning mind with problems. That might be one reason which motivated him to pull the trigger.

And also he spent his life lonely. People assume that rich people live alone and they enjoy their life a lot , they are not extra ordinary etc. But according to this poem I think Richard had no friends or even a pleasant driver for himself. Living alone is very difficult. He had no one to share his thoughts , likes and dislikes etc. As he was also a human sometimes he might felt killing him self without living him self alone in this world. That is really the human nature. We can assume that also as a reason which motivated him to pull the trigger him self.

He was not swollen headed. He was rich. As I see poor people have misjudged him. Although a person is enchanting from his outward appearance he could have severe burning problems.

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9y ago

The themes of "Richard Cory" are that money doesn't buy happiness and that appearances are not always as they seem.

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14y ago

The theme is that wealth won't buy happiness.

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10y ago

The poem Richard Cory is about a man who kills himself. The man is rich, but his money cannot buy him happiness.

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a person's inner reality is often hidden.

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ironically sentimental

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Things are not always what they seem.

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