You know, I don't think that we have any historical evidence that Shakespeare actually had a dog. If you'll accept fictional evidence, though, here is a good book called Shakespeare's Dog: Apparently, in this book, the dog's name is Mr. Hooker. Of course, if you believe that, then I might as well tell you... my friend Sheri and I were at this seance the other night, and our host actually channeled Shakespeare. He was shouting "Out, damn'd Spot! out I say" ... so, I'm guessing the dog's name was actually Spot, and this Rooke guy is just making stuff up.
the Globe
I don't think Shakespeare himself had a dog, but in his plays he wrote about dogs named Crab (from The Two Gentlemen Of Verona) and Mr. Hooker (
Her name was Susanna.
William Shakespeare
John Shakespeare, glover
The Globe Theater