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Here is the summary for "Blown Away!" by Joan Hiatt Harlow.

13 year old Jake Pitney lives a quiet and easy life in his town of Islamorada on Matecumbe Key, Florida. However, that changes in the summer of 1935 when he starts working for Sharkey, a fisherman who helped build the Flagler railroad. Jake accompanies Sharkey on his trip to Key West, where Sharkey buys a mule named Jewel and her sidekick, a dog named Rudy. Right upon returning to Islamorada. Jake and Sharkey meet the new girl in town, Mara Kryanski, who's life had been filled with sadness and moved to Islamorada to live with her aunt, Edith. Then Mara watches Jake's younger sister, Star, so Jake can participate in a fishing contest set up by his best friends, Billy and Roy Ashburn, who instantly change the rules just to get Jake disqualified. Then, Rudy and Jewel are blamed for killing local animals, but become town heroes when they kill a panther who turned out to be the one responsible for the murders. While watching Star becomes a regular thing for Mara, she informs Jake about a hurricane that might hit Islamorada. Jake starts thinking about the hurricane, in which many residents on the island (especially the veterans) don't take the storm seriously due to thinking it will not hit Islamorada. Meanwhile, Star becomes very ill and Jake's mother, Lou, is sure Star has the "sleeping sickness". All the while, the hurricane does end up hitting Islamorda, resulting in some crazy situations. After the hurricane, Jake and his father, Doug, end up with only minor injuries, but Lou has major injuries and Star's illness is getting worse, so they are both sent to a hospital in Miami and Doug tags along, leaving Jake in Islamorada. However, he starts using a red cross nurse, Addie O'Brien to communicate with his family shortly before finding about the deaths of Roy, Edith, and Rudy. Meanwhile, Jake stays with Sharkey and looks for Mara every second he is not helping Sharkey. Jake even asks Addie to look for Mara in Miami when he cant find her in Islamorada. Upon learning Mara isn't in Miami, Sharkey helps Jake finally accept the fact that Mara died in the hurricane. However, due to her body never being found, she was not in the funeral for the people who died in the storm. This upsets Jake as since Mara deserved to be remembered, but Edith was her last family member in the world, and she died in the storm as well, so there was no family of Mara left to acknowledge that Mara had ever lived. Jake then decides to remember Mara by writing a poem based on her sad and short life, as Mara loved poetry. One month later, Jake moves to Miami and went to school there for a year. Jake and the rest of his family moves back to Islamorada as a new home was built for them. The story ends with Star asking Jake where Mara went, as Jake answers by saying "Beyond the wind, stars, and bright blue skies".

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