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The day after he arrives at their home.

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Q: When does lady Macbeth say that duncan will leave inverness?
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Where does King Duncan come to spend the night?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's castle at Inverness. (It's in Scotland on Loch Ness)

When does lady Macbeth use flattery?

Lady Macbeth uses flattery when she is trying to manipulate her husband, Macbeth, into going through with their plan to kill King Duncan. She praises his manhood and bravery to persuade him to take action.

In Macbeth what scene does duncan die in?

Duncan's death technically occurs off-stage, in Act 2 between Scenes 1 and 2. Macbeth states at the end of 1.1 "I go, and it is done. The bell invites me./Here it not, Duncan, for it is a knell/That summons thee to heaven or to hell." (1.1.63-65) When 2.2 opens, Macbeth has already killed Duncan, and is giving the news to Lady Macbeth.

When Lady Macbeth hears that Duncan is coming to Inverness why does she call this good news?

She wants to kill Duncan and what do you know? he shows up at her front door. Well, that is going to make things easy.

Why is Lady Macbeth anxious to have Duncan at Dunsinane?

Lady Macbeth isn't anxious to have Duncan at Dunsinane. Dunsinane is the palatial residence where the Macbeths live after they are crowned King and Queen of the Scots. King Duncan is killed at the previous residence of the Macbeths, at Inverness. And the murder of the King is exactly why the Lady seeks, and then delights in, his presence in her home [Act 2 Scenes 5-7].

How are Lady Macbeth and Macbeth different in their initial views on killing Duncan?

The reaction between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth is initially very different after they kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth is enthusiastic but Macbeth regrets his actions.

Where is Duncan to spend the night?

Duncan plans to spend the night at a hotel nearby.

Who acts more rationally after the murder of king Duncan-Macbeth or Lady Macbeth?

Lady Macbeth

Where is Duncan heading and why is this important in Macbeth?

After the successful battle at the beginning of Act I, Duncan rewards Macbeth for being a war hero by giving him the title Thane of Cawdor. In the same scene (Act I Scene 4) he rewards Malcolm for no particular reason with the title Prince of Cumberland, and then says, "From hence to Inverness, and bind us further to you." Inverness is the city where Macbeth lives, and Duncan is in effect saying, "Hey guys, the party's at the Macbeths'!" This is significant because it will put him in range of Lady Macbeth, who will be the death of him.

Who is Lady Macbeth's relative whom Duncan resembles so much that Lady Macbeth is unable to murder Duncan?


Who does lady Macbeth say king Duncan looks like?

Lady Macbeth says king Duncan resembles her father, so she encourages macbeth to murder him.

Who all died because of Macbeth and lady Macbeth?
