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The First Folio, a collection of 36 of Shakespeare's plays, was published in 1623 by John Heminges and Henry Condell, close friends and associates of Shakespeare (he left money to both of them in his will.)

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Q: When were the complete plays of William Shakespeare first published and who was responsible for collecting the plays together?
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When the first Complete Shakespeare edition (called the First Folio) was published, it was called "William Shakespeare's Histories, Tragedies and Comedies" and all the plays were put into one of those three categories.

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All of them. Shakespeare's plays have been published many thousands of times, as individual volumes for each play, single volume "complete works" editions and even in multi volume complete works editions. See the link below for how many plays he wrote.

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The complete works of William Shakespeare are a collection of his plays and sonnets.

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The English writer, William Shakespeare, is credited with inventing at least 2000 new English words. The link below has a wealth of information on Shakespeare, his life, his complete works, and - of course - his new words.

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For resale, probably nothing. As a book to read, it is priceless.

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Completing the Q and A is an away of collecting data.

How many works did William Shakespeare complete?

I think 37

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The Reduced Shakespeare Company. Their play is called The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)"

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discuss the question I'll tell you. .......... We know that Ben Jonson was a close friend of Shakespeare, because Ben Jonson discussed talked at length about Shakespeare (both as a man and as a writer) in 'Discoveries' (a sort of blog that Jonson published late in life) and in his 'Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthornden' (a record of several conversations he had with a Scottish friend). Jonson's most famous comment about Shakespeare is that he 'loved the man (this side idolatry)'. After Shakespeare's death, when his colleagues John Heminge and Henry Condell assembled a complete plays (The First Folio - Shakespeare never published a collected edition during his lifetime) they asked Ben Jonson to write the dedicatory poem. (Ben Jonson: 'To the Reader' - First Folio). There are many other testimonies to Jonson's close friendship with Shakespeare. But Jonson's own words are the best evidence.

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