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when i strirred the soup aguido ran away

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Q: When you stirred the soup aguido ran away answer this riddle?
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What are the example of cordillera's song?

There are many examples of Cordillera riddles. It can be the answers that are tough. Some riddles include, he died yesterday afternoon, and buried the one who died this morning, and also: when I stirred the soup, Aguido ran away.

Does it make a differenceif you stir clockwise or anticlockwise?

My mom stirred the soup clockwise

Is vegetable soup is a good example of a uniform mixture?

If we're referring to homogeneity, then vegetable soup, when stirred, is a good example of a substance being homogeneous.

If you build a fort, and fillout the form, then what do eat soup with-Riddle?


What is red and white on the outside but gray and white on the inside?

The answer to this riddle is "Campbell's Cream of Elephant Soup".

Why do you tilt your bowl away from you when eating soup?

We tilt the soup bowl so that to collect soup in the spoon and being careful not to leak out soup on our apron as we eat. It is more convenient to tilt the soup bowl away rather than towards you so that it doesn't fall down

In Britain you tip your plate away from you when eating soup?


What is the proper way to eat a bowl of soup?

To eat soup, dip the spoon into the soup, then remove it by going away from your body, not toward it. Sip the soup off the side of the spoon, instead of placing the whole spoon in your mouth.

How should you wrap soup for take out?

You should wrap soup for take out in a plastic container with a tight fitting lid. Or, you can pour the soup into a bowl and cover it with Clingfilm.

Did James Brown like soup?

yes. he was so fond of soup he ate it for every meal. including late night snacks. he loved soup because it reminded him of his great dead grandma. she made him lots of soup as a child. now he eats away his sorrows.

What 2 methods of heat transfer which are used to make soup?

Convection currents. This means that the soup that is heated moves away from the heat, and the cool soup flows over heat so that warms up

Is cream of chicken soup supposed to be a solid in the can?

On the can's label it probably says Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup. If it does say this then it will seem like a solid in the can. When heating the soup, you should add a can of water to the soup. Or milk if you like it a little creamier. If it is not condensed soup then it should not be a solid and you would be best served by throwing it away.