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On the moon, left by the astronauts.

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Q: Where is there an American flag which is never lowered never raised and never saluted?
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Where is the one place the us flag flies but is never raised lowered or saluted?

On the moon

Where is the only place that the American flag flies 24 hours a day- never raised never loweredand never saluted?

The moon

What are the five places where the US Flag is never lowered?

The five places the American flag is never lowered are on the back of the $10 bill, two on the back of the $20 bill, the back of the $50 bill and on the moon.

Whose flag is never lowered in America?

All official US flags are lowered at dusk, or are never raised to full staff (Arlington National Cemetery, USS Arizona).This question is sometimes a riddle with the answers of "the Alamo" where the flag is nailed up, or on the Moon, where the US flag will fly from its special staff until it falls apart.

When was the Jamaican flag lowered?

The flag has never been lowered! Because it is such a wonderful falg

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How can you place a sharp and a flat on the staff?

Write the sharp or flat symbol to the left of the note which needs to be sharped or flatted. Accidentals written before a note are never placed to the right of the note which needs to be raised or lowered.

What changes in Germany biased German peoples judgment of Adolf Hitler?

The fact that Hitler raised taxes on the German people while he made a campaign promise saying he'd do the opposite. After he invaded and started the Holocaust, the taxes were not lowered but raised. The Germans caught onto how Hitler never kept his promise.

Is Greg Giraldo a Jew?

NO. Greg Giraldo was a Hispanic-American who was raised as a Catholic. He never converted to Judaism at any point in his life.

What country's flag is never lowered?

A country whose flag is never "lowered" (flown lower) is Saudi Arabia. It is flown full staff because it depicts the Islamic expression of faith.The country of Norway has no such restrictions. The statement that it was never lowered alludes to the government-in-exile during the German occupation in World War II.

How is Selena Gomez Mexican culture?

She isn't. Ethnically, she is Mexican-American, but she has been raised as an American her whole life; she has never lived in Mexico and doesn't speak Spanish fluently.