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Tree directory structure

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Q: Which directory implementation is mostly used in operating system?
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Which components of an operating system maintains the directory system?

file manager

What base directory would you put a script in if you wanted it to automatically start when the operating system starts?

What base directory would you put a script in if you wanted it to automatically start when the operating system starts?

The what uses the what to physically access a disk's directory?

operating system uses the file system

Which is used in operating system to separate mechanism from policy?

two level implementation

How does Unix work as a multi-user operating system?

When a user logs in to a Unix system, the current working directory normally starts at the directory/file

How does an operating system manage a file system?

An operating system enables you to view files saved onto your storage devices and arrange them into a folder/directory/file structure.

How do the operating system Google Chrome store their data?

Google Chrome is not an operating system but only a browser. It stores it's data in the directory, it is installed.

An example of a network operating system is windows server 2008 which controls a network using the directory database called?

Active Directory

Which network operating system is best for active directory?

Windows 2003 Server is the Best

How an operating system manages multiprogramming?

An operating system enables you to view files saved onto your storage devices and arrange them into a folder/directory/file structure.

What is the root folder or root directory?

The Root folder and Root directory is the Main location for the Linux system. Only users with super user privileges can access the directory. ANY changes made successfully in the root directory will be system wide. its the quickest way to destroy the operating system!

What is paging system implementation?

The question is not very clear - in general the implementation of paging is too complex to answer in a Wiki answer entry; I suggest you take a look at any Operating System theory book.