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the answer is that i want to noe the answer and nobody has posted it yet and that's just stupid.well anyways if your on MY side do wat i did! my teacher had us doin this packet for Shakespeare and were goin to the play on Wednesday! 1m sooooo happy losers

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Q: Which famous Shakespeare play does the quote Cowards die many times?
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Who made this statement in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Cowards die many times before their deaths?

Caesar Caesar Caesar

Was Shakespeare's mum and dad rich and famous?

No, Shapespeare's parents were not rich and famous. John Shakespeare was a successful glover, wool merchant, and local politician until he fell on hard times and possibly became alcoholic.

How many quotes did William Shakespeare make?

Do you mean, how many times did Shakespeare quote from others? Shakespeare borrowed great chunks of material from his sources (Holinshed, Plutarch) but he usually paraphrased them. It is difficult to know whether to call something like "Et tu, Brute?" a quote or not. (It comes straight from Plutarch) If you mean, how many quotes come from Shakespeare, the answer is, as many as you like. You could quote the whole body of his work, and that would be a long quote from Shakespeare. You could quote one word, and that would be a short quote. "To be or not to be" could be a quote, and "To be, or not to be, that is the question" could be another one. Quotation is a small piece of somebody's more complex speech or writing. William Shakespere wrote many dramas and we, readers, are taking some sentences out of his works and share them as citations or maxims. So, quantity of Shakespere's quotations depends on how many 'pieces' of his dramas we appreciate.

Who did Shakespeare mean when he said such people die many times before their deaths?

The quotation, from Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 2 is: "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." He means that the agony of dying is in the fear of it. Cowards feel this fear every time they face death, and then run away to face it again. The valiant only have that agony when they are really dying and there is no other way out, which can only happen once.

Who die many times before their deaths according to Caesar?

Cowards according to Caesar die many times before their death.

Related questions

Who wrote 'cowards die many times before their death'?

It's a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

Who wrote cowards die a thousand times?

The line "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once" is from William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar."

Who made this statement in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Cowards die many times before their deaths?

Caesar Caesar Caesar

What is one famous qoute from shakespeare?

From the Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 33-34. "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. " Definitely one of the most famous quotes.

How did willian shakespeare got famous?

he got famous by writing poems and plays in the olden times!

Who was the famous playwright who lived in the Tudor times?

uh shakespeare, duh-Isn't that why you put it into the "william shakespeare" category?

Any death quotes from Shakespeare?

cowards die many times before their deaths: the valient never taste of death but once Julius Caesar act 2 sc.2

Who said coward dies a thousand deaths?

The actual line is Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

Was Shakespeare's mum and dad rich and famous?

No, Shapespeare's parents were not rich and famous. John Shakespeare was a successful glover, wool merchant, and local politician until he fell on hard times and possibly became alcoholic.

What words did Caesar make famous?

There are many famous quotes attributed to Caesar including "I came, I saw, I conquered." He also said "Men freely believe that which they desire" and "Cowards die many times before their actual death."

How many quotes did William Shakespeare make?

Do you mean, how many times did Shakespeare quote from others? Shakespeare borrowed great chunks of material from his sources (Holinshed, Plutarch) but he usually paraphrased them. It is difficult to know whether to call something like "Et tu, Brute?" a quote or not. (It comes straight from Plutarch) If you mean, how many quotes come from Shakespeare, the answer is, as many as you like. You could quote the whole body of his work, and that would be a long quote from Shakespeare. You could quote one word, and that would be a short quote. "To be or not to be" could be a quote, and "To be, or not to be, that is the question" could be another one. Quotation is a small piece of somebody's more complex speech or writing. William Shakespere wrote many dramas and we, readers, are taking some sentences out of his works and share them as citations or maxims. So, quantity of Shakespere's quotations depends on how many 'pieces' of his dramas we appreciate.

What is Molly Pitcher's famous quote make sure it's not un answered?

these are the times that try men's souls