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scenery falls under the control of the set designer

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Q: Who designs scenery for a play?
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A sentence using the word scenery?

"Clare designs scenery for plays and productions" "The scenery was very detailed and so was greatly admired by the people watching the show" "The play was terrible - the scenery was better than the acting!" "I like being a passenger in a car rather than the driver, because it allows me to look at the scenery in more detail as we drive"

What is the scenery of a play called?

a scenery

How is scenery used in a play?

Scenery is used to set the scene, mood and tone of a play. For example, a scene set in a garden may have a scenery involving trees and plants.

How do I use scenery in a sentence for elementary students?

Scenery is the background of a play or picture that helps set the scene. For example, in a play about going to the beach, you might see scenery that looks like sand and waves to make it feel like you are really there.

Who are the people who build the scenery in a play?

Set designers

What are the people called who build scenery in a play?


What are people called who build scenery for a play?


What a scenery of a play called in drama?

I believe it is called the backdrop.

Is scenery plural?

It is both singular and plural. Scenery can refer to one large scene. It can also refer to a collection of scenes, such as the backdrops used in a play.

What has the author Paolo Landriani written?

Paolo Landriani has written: 'Appendice seconda alle osservazioni sui teatri e sulle decorazioni' -- subject(s): Stage-setting and scenery, Theaters, Designs and plans, Scene painting, Perspective 'Appendice alle osservazioni sui teatri e sulle decorazioni' -- subject(s): Stage-setting and scenery, Theaters, Designs and plans, Scene painting, Perspective

How does a audience that the play is moving on to a new scene?

An audience can tell that a play is moving on to a new scene when the scenery, lighting, and props change.

What is the counter of mass noun of scenery?

Example counter nouns for 'scenery' are: views of scenery pictures of scenery (photos or paintings) flats of scenery (theatrical)