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A group of actors shooting a cannon for effect during a production.

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Q: Who destroyed the globe theatre?
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Who destroyed the globe theatre the second time?

The puritents destroyed the globe theatre the second time around.

When was the Globe Theatre rebuild?

The Globe Theatre was rebuilt in 1614 after it was destroyed in 1613. A new theater was built in 1997 and named after the Globe.

When was the globe theatre destroyed?

in the year my ainus blew up!

How many times was the globe theatre destroyed?

once in 1613

What is the origin of the globe theatre and the destruction of the globe theatre?

it was named the globe theatre because thats what they wanted to call it.... it was destroyed cause people got mad and burned the wasteful building down...

How did the Globe theatre get destroyed?

burned down and puritans shut it down

How many times was the globe theatre destroyed and rebuilt?

The globe theater was destroyed and rebulit twice by 1642, once by fire, the other because of loss of buisness.

Why wasn't the Globe Theatre an original building?

The original was destroyed by fire in 1613.

Which famous playwright is the Globe theatre known for?

The Globe Theatre located in London is known for the famous playwrights by William Shakespheare. The original Globe Theatre was built in 1599 and was destroyed by a fire in June of 1613. The modern Globe Theatre was built in 1997.

What was the name of the London theatre of which William Shakespeare became a partner?

The Globe or the Blackfriars. He had shares in both.

Does the Globe Theatre still exist now?

The originaly Globe Theatre was destroyed by fire on 29th June 1613. A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614 and closed in 1642. A modern reconstruction of the Globe, named Shakespeare's Globe, opened in 1997 approximately 230 metres (750 ft) from the site of the original theatre.

Does the Globe Theatre still exist?

No. The globe theater was destroyed in the fire of 1613. It was rebuild but closed at 1642. There is a modern globe theater reconstructed in 1997.