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Nobody, unless you count the voice that said that Macbeth had murdered sleep. He did kill the two grooms, but not until the next morning.

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Q: Who did Macbeth kill the same night he killed Duncan?
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Where does Macbeth kill duncan?

Macbeth kills Duncan in his own castle at night time.

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Malcolm (Duncan's son) did not kill Macbeth, it was Macduff (Thane of Fife).

What king did Macbeth kill in the beginning of Macbeth?

Macbeth killed King Duncan after hearing the witches' prophecies and being urged on by his wife, Lady Macbeth

Who did macbeth killed?

Who did McBeth kill ? Duncan I in 1040 in battle near Elgin, Scotland or he murdered Duncan shortly after the battle.

What does lady Macbeth plan to do the night of king duncans death to help Macbeth kill him?

she gets the guards drunk so that they pass out allowing Macbeth to kill duncan.

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Why Macbeth kill duncan?

To inherit Duncan's Throne

What reason does Macbeth give for killing King Duncan's guards?

Macbeth believes he has to kill Duncan's guards in case they heard anything happen in the room while Macbeth was killing Duncan.

Whom does Lady Macbeth drug and why?

Lady Macbeth drugs the guards stationed outside King Duncan's chamber to ensure they are unconscious and unable to interfere with her plan to frame them for Duncan's murder. This allows Macbeth to easily access Duncan's chamber and carry out the assassination.

Who started the idea that people should be killed in Macbeth?

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the idea that people should be killed originates primarily from Lady Macbeth. She is the one who convinces Macbeth to kill King Duncan in order to fulfill the witches' prophecy and secure his place as king.

Does Lady Macbeth kill Ducan's guards?

NO! Lady Macbeth does not kill king Duncan's Guard Macbeth does to prove his guilt.

Which way did Macbeth want to kill duncan?

The three witches told MacBeth he was going to become king. He decided this needed a little proactivity on his part. Prompted by his wife, he killed Duncan to move things along a bit faster