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Mary Warren.

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Q: Who does john proctor bring to the court to testify on behalf of elizabethmartharebecca?
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The accused has the right to bring his or her own witnesses to testify on his behalf?

6th amendment -aplus .

What amendment applies to the scenario The accused has the right to bring his or her own witnesses to testify on hisher behalf?

The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution applies in this scenario. It guarantees the right of the accused in criminal prosecutions to compel witnesses to testify in their favor.

What does marry warren bring home to Elizabeth Proctor?

a doll!!

Why does proctor bring Mary warren to court?

so that she can confess and save elizabeth

Why do you think Tom Sawyer decides to testify?

Tom Sawyer decides to testify in order to do what he believes is right and to help bring justice to the situation. He may also feel a sense of responsibility to tell the truth and ensure that the correct person is held accountable for their actions.

Who can file Wrongful Death Suit in Arkansas?

The estate of the deceased can always bring suit. Anyone that was injured by the death, typically a spouse or a child. And the guardian of a minor can bring it on behalf of the child.

Can a custodial parent with only joint physical custody sue a school district on behalf of his child?

No. Physical custody does not give you the right to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the child. The parent(s) with legalcustody must be the one to sue.

What type of supoena requires a witness to appear in court order?

A subpoena ad testificandum is a subpoena that directs a witness to appear in court to testify. The Latin phrase "ad testificandum" means "to testify." The other type of subpoena is a subpoena duces tecum, which commands a person to bring physical items such as business records to court. The Latin phrase "duces tecum " means "bring with you." It can be difficult to pronounce for most people.

Do shareholders have the right to bring suit on behalf of the corporation against executive officers and directors for improper conduct?

Yes, it's called a "derivative action".

Is it possible for a child to file a law suit against his father for not supporting him?

No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.No. A child cannot file a lawsuit. It needs to be brought on his behalf by a legal guardian. However, child support is an issue between parents. It is not paid to the child. The mother should bring the suit.

Does a minor have to testify?

If the courtsubpoenaed them, then yes they do. They must have information that is strong enough to bring a minor into a court room to testify. Sometimes depending on the case, instead of the minor going on the stand in front of everyone the DA, the prosecutor and the judge will go into a different room with the child and ask them questions so the child does not feel uncomfortable.

What does Abigail think of elizabeth proctor?

Abigail is jealous and is seeking to bring harm onto Elizabeth by any means necessary. Her bitter revenge is the cause of the lies that rip Salem apart.