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Romeo and his friends Mercurito and Benovlio gatecrash the party because Romeo's beloved Rosaline was going to be there

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Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio.

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Q: Who gatecrashes the Capulets ball?
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What do romeo and benvolio learn about the Capulets ball?

They learn who is coming to the party.

Why don't the Capulets recognize Romeo when he first appears at the ball?

hes wearing a mask

What happens when he arrives at the Capulets' home?

When Romeo arrives at the Capulets' home, he is invited inside as a masked guest at the masquerade ball. He is not recognized by the Capulets or their guests, which allows him to interact freely with Juliet and eventually leads to their fateful meeting.

What types of food was served at lord capulets ball?

At Lord Capulet's ball in the play "Romeo and Juliet," dishes such as meat, cheese, bread, fruit, and wine were likely served. The menu would have reflected the opulence and wealth of the Capulet household, with a variety of delicacies to impress the guests.

How do the Montagues expect to be able to enter a Capulets house?

The Montagues plan to enter the Capulets' house by disguising themselves and blending in with the guests attending the Capulet's masquerade ball. This allows them to avoid detection and gain access to the enemy territory without being recognized.

What do the Montagues and the Capulets do at the tomb?

The Montagues and the Capulets end their feud at the tomb.

Why should Tybalt be angry that Romeo is at the ball?

Tybalt should be angry because Romeo is a Montague, and the Capulets and Montagues are feuding families. Seeing Romeo at the ball is a direct challenge to the Capulet family and their honor, adding insult to injury.

What is the capulets monument?

The Capulets' Monument is the family tomb or crypt, where they are all buried.

How long has it been since the Capulets held a masked ball?

It had been a long time since the Capulet's have had a masked ball, so this was a special occasion. In Act I Lord Capulet asks how long it's been since he and his wife had a ball, and a relative answers it had been 30 years.

Are Montagues allowed at the Capulet ball?

No, absolutely not. The two houses completely resent each other. Romeo and the other Montagues being there is a complete outrage to the Capulets, especially where Tybalt is concerned.

Who were the two families in Romeo in Juliet that were archenemys?

The family names were Montague and Capulet.

What rhymes with Capulets?

amuletsduet, epithet, cruet, minuet, dulcet