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Q: Who is escorting scout to the school pageant?
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Who is escorting Scout to the school?


Who is escorting Scout to school?


Why do jem and scout go to the school on the Halloween after the trial?

Jem and Scout to the school on Halloween because Scout is in the Halloween pageant. The women of Maycomb chose to have a Halloween festival that year because of the children's antics in the years before.

What character does scout play in the school pageant?

Scout plays as a ham.

What does scout dress as at the school pageant?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout dresses as a ham for the school pageant. Her costume was made by her aunt, Miss Maudie, and it causes some confusion during the pageant performance.

Who took Scout to school?

Jem walked scout to the pageant at her school

Whose pageant did Scout fall asleep during?

Scout fell asleep during her pageant at Maycomb County school. She plays the role of a ham and falls asleep during the performance.

How does scout ruin the pageant?

Scout entered the pageant late. She fell asleep and missed her cue, thus ruining the pageant.

What character does scout play in the school play?

Scout in to kill a mockingbird? It's more of a pageant than a play but she dresses up as a ham.

Who took Scout go the pageant?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout was taken to the pageant by Jem and Aunt Alexandra.

Why did Jem and Scout have to leave the pageant after everyone else had already left?

Jem and Scout had to leave the pageant later because they were at the school to retrieve Scout's ham costume and had to wait until the end. This delayed their departure and they were alone in the school when Bob Ewell attacked them.

What happens to scout during the pageant?

Scout misses her que.