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He is Othello's ensign or ancient, the soldier who carries the commander's flag, and acts as a sort of servant. He is the one who plants the idea in Othello's head that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio (even though it is untrue) and helps plant evidence to prove this (namely the handkerchief). He advances a number of reasons why he does this: because he was jealous of Cassio's promotion to a command rank, because he thought Othello may have slept with his wife, or because Othello and Cassio were both upstarts, neither of them Venetians by birth and both of them getting commissions through merit.

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Q: Who is lago in Othello?
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What play is Lago the villain in?

If you're referring to Iago, then he was in Othello.

What Shakespeare play has lago?

Iago is a major character in Shakespeare's play Othello.

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Desdemona goes to Lago for advice about what to do about Othello's accusations. This is when Othello asks Emilia to go and find Desdemona while accusing her of harlotry.

What is Lagos meaning from Othello when he says you are not what you are?

Iago (not Lago!) says in the play 'Othello' "I am not what I am". This is insinuating that he is acting and hiding the person who he really is. He is pretending to be someone he is not.

What was the purpose of lago's plan?

Iago's plan in Shakespeare's "Othello" was to manipulate Othello into believing that his wife, Desdemona, was unfaithful in order to seek revenge on Othello for promoting Cassio over him. He wanted to destroy Othello's happiness and reputation.

How does cassio die in Othello?

Rodrigo is stabbed by cassio and killed. Bianca does not die.

Othello how could Othello protected him self for lago?

Othello could have avoided all the pain Iago's lies caused him by simply believeing in the love Desdemona had for him. If Othello were to have been less insecure and jealous than Iago would not have been able to trick him.

Does lago and or roderigo really think that cassio and Desdemona are lovers?

no they are just trying to get othello jealous and get him away from Desdemona.

Why lago is said to be one of Shakespeare's most villainous characters?

Iago is one the most evil characters because he tricks Othello and gets Othello to kill Desdemona and himself in the end and he only looks out for his own personal gain.

What does lago say must happen to Desdemona?

She says that she will eventually get bored of Othello because he is much older then her so she will want youth.