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Ben Jonson

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Q: Who said shakespeare was not of an age but for all times?
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Shakespeare's dramas were said to be Not for age but for all time What does this mean?

Shakespeare's dramas were said to be not for the age but for all time. This was penned by Ben Johnson at his eulogy. The drama's would last longer then age of their creation, they would remain relevant in all times.

Who said Shakespeare is not of an age but for all time?

Ben Jonson, Shakespeare's friend and fellow playwright.

What are famous words said of Shakespeare that are still famous today?

he was not of an age ,he was for all time (said when shakespear was still alive)

What did the famous dramatist Ben Jonson declare about Shakespeare in the dedication to the 1623 First Folio of the plays of William Shakespeare?

Jonson said "He was not of an age but for all time."

Who said he was 'not for an age but for all time'?

These words are about Shakespeare, they are the words of Shakespeare's great friend and contemporary, Ben Jonson. The quotation comes from Jonson's poem, To the memory of my beloved, found in the First Folio of Shakespeare's works, published in 1623.

He was not of age but for all time means?

Basically, he meant that Shakespeare had something which would be relevant at any time, not just in the time he wrote it. Shakespeare was not "topical" most of the time. Jonson, on the other hand, filled his plays with references to people and ideas which were well-known when he was alive but nobody knows about now, which makes Jonson's plays quite dated and hard to follow compared with Shakespeare's.

Who said all the wourlds a stage and all men and women merely players?

This quote is by William Shakespeare from his play "As You Like It." It is a metaphor implying that life is like a play, where everyone has a role to play.

How many times do Shakespeare's actors commit throughout all of his plays?

All actors should be committed to their performance at all times, whether playing Shakespeare or anything else.

Who gave the title ''man of all times'' to William shakespeare?

The title "man of all times" was given to William Shakespeare by the writer Ben Jonson in the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays published in 1623. Jonson's dedication praises Shakespeare as being not just of an age, but for all time.

Who is supposed to have first said kill all the lawyers?

The phrase "kill all the lawyers" is often attributed to William Shakespeare's play "Henry VI, Part 2," but it is actually spoken by a character in the play and not an expression of Shakespeare's own views. The line is often misunderstood and taken out of context, as it is meant to be ironic and satirical rather than a serious instruction.

When was Shakespeare's last play written?

We don't know exactly which play was Shakespeare's last, but in any case all of the plays have been played many many times in theatres all over the world.

Who said this was the noblest Roman of them all and why?

Mark Anthony in a play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare