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Q: Who sees romeo and Paris fight?
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Who sees Juliet's funeral?

Romeo sees Juliet after he kills Paris

Who wins the fight between Paris and romeo?

Romeo wins. Paris dies.

Who sees romeo when he visits Juliet's tomb?


What happens when Romeo and Paris meet?

romeo fights Paris (where?) and Paris dies.

What is Juliet doing whenn romeo first sees her?

dancing with paris...

What effect does Paris and Romeo's fight have on the audience?

bAd Romeo Gets stabbed

What causes Romeo and Paris to fight?

When Paris sees Romeo hanging around the Capulets' family crypt, he assumes because Romeo is a Montague that he is there to do something rude and indecent to the graves of the Capulets. He refuses to listen to one word Romeo offers in explanation and insists on fighting him. You know how they say "assume makes an ass of u and me"; well, it not only made Paris an ass, it made him dead.

What happens between Paris and romeo at juliets tomb?

At Juliet's tomb, Paris discovers Romeo there and believes he has come to defile the tomb. A fight ensues between them, resulting in Paris being killed by Romeo. Romeo then takes his own life beside Juliet, expressing his love for her even in death.

What happens between Romeo and Paris in front of Capulet tomb?

They fight and Paris is killed.

Does Romeo kills Paris in Romeo and Juliet?

yes because Paris killed mercutio in a fight. < This is wrong Romeo kills Tybalt because Tybalt killed mercutio in a fight. Paris plans to get married to Juliet but on the day of their wedding Juliet dies. So Paris never dies.<~ This is also wrong, Romeo kills Tybalt because he killed Mercutio and Romeo also kills Paris because he provoked him in the Capulet tomb. So Paris does die.

What happens with Romeo and Paris in the vault?

Romeo kills Paris in the vault before taking his own life upon discovering Juliet apparently dead.

What are the circumstances of Paris death in romeo and Juliet?

Paris goes to pay his last respects to Juliet , when Romeo shows up . Then Paris and Romeo gets into a fight and kills Paris. As Paris's last word he says" Oh, I am slain, if thou be merciful, open the tomb, lay me with Juliet." So Romeo lays him (Paris) next to his wife Juliet (Romeo's Wife).