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Q: Who was in the throne when Shakespeare was alive and what was England like?
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How was the monarchy like when Shakespeare lived?

Elizabeth 1 was queen when Shakespeare was alive.

What government did England have when William Shakespeare was alive?

England was a Constitutional Monarchy, and still is. That is to say, that they had a king or queen, but the legislature (like the American Congress) was more powerful and made most of the laws.

What country were Shakespeare's parents born in?

Like Shakespeare, they were born in England.

What was William Shakespeare's lifestyle like?

in England

What changes in England after Queen Elizabeth came to the throne?

she stabilised the main religion in England at that time (changing it from catholic to protestant.) she also encouraged the work of Shakespeare and sent explorers like Walter Raleigh to America.

What was Shakespeare's wives religion?

First, to be clear, Shakespeare had only one wife, not wives. Anne Shakespeare, like everyone else in England at the time, belonged to the Church of England.

What religion did William Shakespeare's family practice when he was born?

Shakespeare, like everyone else in England was required by law to belong to the Church of England. This was a form of Protestant Christianity.

What was Shakespeare's religion?

Shakespeare, like everyone in England at his time was required to be by law, was a member of the church of England, in which church he was baptised, married and buried. What his opinions on that were he was smart enough not to disclose.

Was Shakespeare American?

You could mean three things, which have three answers: 1. No. Shakespeare was not of Celtic stock which means that he was not "British" meaning Celtic. 2. Yes. Shakespeare lived in London and Stratford which are located in the British Isles. 3. No. Shakespeare was not a citizen of Great Britain which was not a country at the time he was alive. Shakespeare was English.

What is Shakespeare age best known for?

Shakespeare. Also other writers like Marlowe, Spenser, Donne, and Milton. And some great musicians like Purcell. And famous sailors like Drake. And Queen Elizabeth of course. And that's just England. How about Cervantes in Spain? He was Shakespeare's contemporary.

What was William Shakespeare's costumes like?

They wore nothing special, just like what people usually wore in 16th century England.

What was Shakespeare's family like?

If you know of anyone who is still alive who knew them, they might be able to tell you, but it is highly unlikely that there is such a person.