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maggie, dee, and mama

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Q: Who were the characterS in everyday use by Alice walker?
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What is the setting in Everyday Use by Alice Walker?

"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker is set in the rural South during the 1960s or 1970s. The story takes place on a small, impoverished farm where the main characters, Mama, Dee, and Maggie, live. Walker's detailed descriptions of the farm's surroundings and the characters' way of life help to establish the setting.

Who is the antagonist in Everyday Use by Alice Walker?


What year was Everyday Use written?

The story Everyday Use by Alice Walker was written and published in 1973.

What are internal conflicts in everyday use by Alice Walker?

the internal conflict is what Alice deals with inside and the affects of her actions she deals with .

What is the meaning of this excerpt from everyday use by Alice walker?

In "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, the excerpt may refer to the conflict between tradition and modernity, as well as the different ways in which characters value heritage. The passage may reflect the tension between Maggie and Dee's views on the importance of material possessions and family heirlooms, highlighting their differing perspectives on culture and identity.

Why do you think the flashback was included in everyday use by Alice Walker?

The flashback in "Everyday Use" provides insight into the characters' motivations and helps create a deeper understanding of their relationships and identities. It adds context to the story by revealing past events that influence the characters' present actions and emotions. Walker uses the flashback to explore themes such as heritage, tradition, and the impact of history on individuals.

What is the significance of mrs Johnson's focus on everyday use by Alice Walker?

The quilts because they represent history .

In Everyday Use by Alice Walker what does the author reveal about Maggie through the narrator's internal voice?

In the book "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker the narrator reveals that Maggie has low self esteem and has been disfigured. The narrator, who is Maggie's mother, feels that Maggie will be the caretaker of the family's heritage.

In “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, what does the narrator’s internal voice indicate about the relationship between Dee and the narrator?


In everyday use by Alice walker what does the name Dee represent to the narrator?

In "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, the name Dee represents a sense of disconnect and misunderstanding between the narrator and her daughter. Dee's name change symbolizes her rejection of her family's heritage and traditions, causing a rift between her and her roots.

What is resolution in the story of everyday use by Alice Walker?

Resolution in the story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker occurs when Dee leaves the family home, realizing that she cannot fully embrace her heritage and culture like her mother and sister can. The resolution highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating one's roots and the value of family traditions.

In this passage what does the dream symbolize for the narrator Everyday Use by Alice Walker?

Receiving Dee's admiration-Apex