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In the Shakespearean play 'Macbeth', the phrase 'important people' referred to those who held important jobs and positions of importance. The most important person therefore was King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040]. The next most important person was the future King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093], who was the heir apparent as the Prince of Cumberland. Just a bit below in importance was the future King Donald III [d. 1099], who as Donalbain was the apparently younger brother to Malcolm. The next most important people were those who served as official or unofficial advisors to their kings: the noblemen and Thanes Angus, Caithness, Lennox, Macduff, Menteith, and Ross; and the noble Siward, Earl of Northumberland and General of the English forces that supported the ultimate overthrow of Macbeth from power. The next most important people were those who defended their king and their country from enemies within and outside the realm: the Captains Banquo and Macbeth. Last in the ranking of importance were the noble wives, such as Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff.

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Q: Who were the important people in 'Macbeth'?
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The play is called Macbeth because the story centers around Macbeth. Although Lady Macbeth is an important character, she is only the second most important character. In addition, Shakespeare had a habit of naming plays after kings, even if the king is not the most important character in the play (as in Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 and the three parts of Henry VI). So even if you think Lady Macbeth was as important as Macbeth (and I suggest that's tough to argue), the play is still called Macbeth, because he did not write a play called Queen Margaret even if she's more important than Henry VI her husband.

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In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the idea that people should be killed originates primarily from Lady Macbeth. She is the one who convinces Macbeth to kill King Duncan in order to fulfill the witches' prophecy and secure his place as king.

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He kills Duncan. It is important because it make the villagers aware of his descent into madness, and so they decide to kill Macbeth and get a new king.

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It is important that witches reappear in Act 4 of MacBeth because they tell him of his future. This helps to shapes many of the events later in the story.

Why was the poem Macbeth important?

The play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare is important because it delves into themes such as ambition, power, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. The character of Macbeth himself undergoes a complex transformation that explores the darker aspects of human nature. The play's enduring relevance lies in its exploration of these timeless themes and its examination of the human psyche.

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How does Macbeth and lady Macbeth try to avoid suspicion?

Macbeth and lady Macbeth try to avoid suspicion by getting into their pajamas after committing the murder so people will think they were asleep all the time.

In the play Macbeth who is the main male character?

Umm, Macbeth. The title is a hint, although it doesn't always work out that way in Shakespeare.

What is the most important parts in Macbeth?

Some of the most important parts in Macbeth include the prophecies by the three witches that drive Macbeth's ambition, Lady Macbeth's manipulation and influence on Macbeth's actions, Macbeth's internal struggle with guilt and paranoia after committing heinous acts, and the theme of the corrupting influence of unchecked ambition.

What two people did Macbeth instruct the murders to kill?

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