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Macbeth does.

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Q: Who writes the letter to lady Macbeth?
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Why does Macbeth write a letter to lady Macbeth?

Macbeth did this to inform Lady M about what had happened so far.By this time,Macbeth was qualified for the throne,but it wasn't guaranteed for him to become king.

How does Lady Macbeth learn of her husband's exploits?

Lady Macbeth learns of her husband's exploits from Macbeth himself, when he writes her a letter detailing the witches' prophecy and his subsequent actions to become king. She also witnesses his growing ambition and desires for power, which further affirm his deeds.

What was Lady Macbeth's relationship with Macbeth?

After MacBeth receives the predictions from the witches he writes a letter to Lady MacBeth detailing the whole situation. He calls her his "dearest partner of greatness" and is very trusting of her. He is also subject to much influence from her since she is the one who later convinces MacBeth to kill the king, Duncan, when he is resolute on not doing anything of the sort.

How does Lady Macbeth hear about the prophecy?

Macbeth wrote Lady Macbeth a letter describing his encounter with the witches. Lady Macbeth reads it out at the beginning of Act I Scene 5

How did lady Macbeth react to the letter from Macbeth?

she was supprised.

Who does Macbeth tell about the witches prophecy?

Macbeth heads home to prepare his household for a royal visit. But he first sends a letter ahead, to give his wife the news of the witches' predictions. He shows up not too long after Lady Macbeth finishes reading his message [Act 1 Scene 5].

What are the contents of macbeths letter to Lady Macbeth?

The contents of Macbeth's letter to Lady Macbeth was about Macbeth's prediction from the 3 witches he met in the beginning - about him being the Thane of Cawdor (thane means prince/king) and then the King of Scotland. Lady Macbeth becomes hyped, because she was waiting for the chance to have all the power to be a queen.

How does Lady Macbeth learn of her husband's new title?

in a letter

Effect of the letter to Lady Macbeth?

The letter of Macbeth was important to Lady Macbeth. It reinforced for her that the two worked together as a couple. Her husband confided in her, and respected and depended upon her advice and guidance. He didn't just tell her that they'd have the honor of King Duncan I as their house guest at Inverness Castle. He also updated her on his interactions with the three witches and their predictions of ever greater things for him on the job. Because she was warned in advance of the visit and of the predictions, she could prepare her household for her guest and her victims.

How does lady Macbeth cover for Macbeth at the banquet?

How does lady macbeth cover for macbeth at the banquet?

Does Macbeth creep into lady macbeths bedroom?

In Act 1, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Macbeth does not creep into Lady Macbeth's bedroom. Instead, Lady Macbeth receives Macbeth's letter informing her of the witches' prophecies. Their encounter in the play takes place in other locations within their castle.

What happens to give Lady Macbeth the idea that her husband is killing the king?

Lady Macbeth receives the idea that her husband should kill the king after reading a letter from Macbeth describing the witches' prophecy. The prophecy states that Macbeth will become king, leading Lady Macbeth to convince him to take action and seize the throne.