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Cassius wrote them and Cinna delivered them. See the very end of Act I Scene 3.

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Q: Who wrote the fake letters in the Julius Caesar play?
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What happens at the end of act 1 scene 3 of julius caesar to move the conspiracy plot forward?

The conspiracy in Julius Caesar is moved forward in Scene 2 when Brutus is given fake letters. He then joins the conspiracy.

At the end of scene 2 what is Cassius planning to do to persuade brutus to join the conspiracy against ceasar?

Cassius persuades his friend Brutus, also the friend of Julius Caesar, that Caesar is a threat to Rome. Appealing to his deep love of his homeland, Brutus is persuaded that Caesar is a danger to his country as well as himself. This ultimately leads to the plot to murder Caesar.

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He throws fake letters from ' the citizens of rome' in his window to make it look like they wanted him to do something about caesar.

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Um, if i remember correctly Cassius did something with implanting letters saying that they where concerned that Caesar was trying to be there king/ruler; they where worried that the democracy would change. Brutus is a good guy on the wrong path he conspired cuz he thought that Caesar was trying to change to a monarchy instead of a democracy or republic. that's what i think it was, i may be wrong. ______________________________________________________________________________ He convinces Brutus that Caesar will turn dictator. Brutus was a dedicated republican. Most of the Senate had republican ideals but the people idolized Caesar and Caesar had the army to back him up if he had wished to be the dictator.

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the only way to tell if air force ones are fake is, that if you look in the inside, where it says what size the shoe is, and ight at the bottom of that attached paper should be some letters. if the letters start of with "UPC", then the are real, and if the letters start of with "PAT" then unfortunately they are fake.

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Agustus was, a man who ruled for 41 yrs. He became a empror In rome, at first she proved he was a good and powerful man, but in the end, evrything was fake about him. He helped to build rome and make better, but make it better for himeself, He was selfish and unfair, but he was interetaining and set up cirus hunts, and libaries,senate house abd temples.

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yes because i wrote that question

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